
Is it suitable for hospitals to install air source heat pumps?

Due to environmental pollution, the implementation of coal-to-electricity policies by local governments in my country has led to winter heating becoming the biggest problem for many industries. However, the country vigorously advocates new energy heating, and air source heat pumps have entered the heating market since then. So can hospitals use air source heat pumps? How is the heating effect? Energy saving has become the biggest concern of many people in charge of pre-installed air source heat pumps in the medical field. Let's take a detailed look at how air source heat pumps are used in hospitals to achieve heating, hot water and air conditioning.

Hospitals include general hospitals, community hospitals, medical beauty, maternal and child health care and other medical institutions. In the process of modern hospital construction, although the investment in hospital hot water projects is not large, they involve a wide range of departments and are indispensable.

1. A general hospital requires at least high-quality hot water such as doctor flushing water, infant washing water, ward patient water, central supply water, pathology water, and preparation room water. In the current facilities of our country's hospitals, basically, the independent water supply mechanism of each department is still using fuel oil, gas and coal-fired boilers and electric heating. In recent years, in newly built hospitals, in order to maximize the use of resources, save energy, and improve the degree of modernization of hospital management, air source heat pump system combined with energy monitoring and management system mode has been adopted.

2. The central water supply system of air source heat pump combined with energy monitoring and management system has the following advantages:

1. Reduce the work intensity of front-line workers, improve their work efficiency and sense of responsibility, and at the same time, it is more conducive to the maintenance and management of medical hot water equipment.

2. Improve the scientific management of hospitals, use energy rationally and reduce energy consumption. Energy fixed-point monitoring, managers strategize between data, and make decisions on the planning and management system.

3. Water quality is more guaranteed. The pipeline network filters layer by layer and purifies water. The water supply terminal has variable frequency output and stable water pressure. Each interval is heated in a cycle, and the water is kept at a constant temperature all day.

4. Reduce equipment investment and low operating costs. The unique business model, which constitutes zero investment in equipment and cutting-edge technology, maximizes energy utilization and minimizes costs.

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